From: Kreider, Susan
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 6:35 PM
To: ''
Subject: Editorial by CHOP MD advocating elimination of religious and philosophical vaccination exemptions by Parents
Dear Radio Producers,
Sunday morning I had a ‘kitchen moment’ while listening to a rerun of
your weekly health news program, The Pulse. Unlike your so-called
‘driveway moment,’ this consists of being in the kitchen and yelling
“Idiots!!” at the radio at the top of my lungs, in response to the
female CHOP doctor who believes “for the Greater Good,” Parents should
not be able to choose whether their children are vaccinated.
Does 4 years of medical school and at least as many years of residency
make her God, not a doctor? Vaccines are not without risk. My
(hypothetical) child should risk being crippled by injection of toxic
substances in order to (hypothetically) protect your child who cannot
receive vaccines? Perhaps your child was damaged in utero because you
foolishly chose to vaccinate while pregnant. Of course, vaccines for
pregnant woman have never been tested because it is unethical to test
vaccines on pregnant women. Doesn’t it therefore follow that a woman
must be a risk-taker if she accepts vaccines while her fetus is most
vulnerable? Does the female doctor even remember when we used to be
concerned about even drinking coffee while pregnant?
If my perfect child becomes damaged after receiving vaccines to protect
your defective child who cannot receive vaccines, does my
vaccine-injured child get written off as collateral damage? Who will pay
for the medical bills and additional care? Our broken dreams? Since
manufacturers cannot be sued for defective products, why would I want to
take such a chance? What makes the industry care if their products are
defective? Doesn’t that, in fact, offer opportunity to sell more
products to treat vaccine-induced maladies?
It is rather like the folks who protest a woman’s right to choose. Are
they going to step up to the plate to adopt the unwanted child? I
seriously doubt it. They should mind their damn business and worry about
their own souls.
Prior to vaccinations I was forced to receive in 1990-91 as a nursing
student, I was the picture of health. Seventeen years later I settled
with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program because –more
likely than not—the subsequent sensory variant of Guillain BarrĂ©
Syndrome I developed left me crippled. People ask me if I have
post-polio syndrome. I am happy to educate them that vaccines caused me
to be crippled. It is the only satisfaction I have from the experience.
If CHOP doc is stupid enough to volunteer for an annual flu shot so that
she can maintain her employment at CHOP, she can be my guest –I hope
she does! She can have my dose as well.
Susan Kreider MS, RN, CPC
Surgical Clinical Nurse Reviewer
ACS National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Clinical Effectiveness Quality Improvement
3535 Market Street, Ste. 50
Philadelphia, PA 19104
tel.: 215.662.6185
fax.: 215.662.7399
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