"The character or beliefs of the scientist are irrelevant; all that matters is whether the evidence supports his contention. Arguments from authority simply do not count; too many authorities have been mistaken too often." ~ Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (1974)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Antibodies Do Not Equal ImmunityAccording to the CDC, “Because of the extreme potency of the toxin, tetanus disease does not result in tetanus immunity.” How is it, then, that can you vaccinate successfully against tetanus? |
the purpose of vaccination is to simulate normal immune responses with
weakened or dead pathogens, why would vaccination yield immunity when
the actual disease can’t?
According to experts, it’s because the bacteria that causes tetanus - Clostridium tetani
– produces a neurotoxin which inhibits our ability to create the
antibodies that fight infection. By introducing a dead form of the toxin
(which cannot block antibody production) doctors hope that patients
will build up immunity to the toxin. It seems like a plausible idea, but
is that possible?
Yes and no. While it is is possible that the body will create antibodies to the toxin, antibody response to a vaccine does not equal immunity or protection. (Source 1, Source 2). The presence of antibodies after a vaccination indicates exposure to a pathogen, but it alone does not confer immunity.
Here’s what I mean: Say you send your first
grader to school with the answers to her second period quiz in her back
pocket. When test time arrives she has to go through the hassle of
digging through her folders to find the answer sheet, read your chicken
scratch handwriting (or maybe that’s just mine!), and write down the
answers. She had to go through **some** effort to earn that A+, but
having the right answers on that test does NOT mean she learned
anything, or that she will be prepared to handle real-life events based
on her “success” with the test.
In the case of the tetanus vaccine, injecting the body with dead
toxins is essentially like handing it the answers to a quiz. Unless the
whole immune system fully engages a live version of the pathogen it does
not really learn anything. This is evidenced by the fact that according
to this statement from the University of Chicago’s Neurology department, individuals with extremely high levels of titers (antibodies) can still contract severe – even fatal – tetanus.
The idea that antibodies equal immunity is magical thinking not
supported by the many documented cases of disease outbreaks among fully
vaccinated populations. In fact, in one investigation into why a Corpus
Christi middle school had an outbreak, researchers said that:We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.”Okay, you may be thinking, the tetanus vaccine probably won’t work. But what harm can a little magical thinking do, really? Why not just get the vaccine in case? Well, according to a letter published by the The New England Journal of Medicine, the tetanus booster shot can actually cause T cells (vital to immune system function) to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease up to 2 weeks later. In some cases, the researchers observed that the T-cell count fell to levels found in active AIDS patients. Scary, yes? And that’s before we consider the generous dose of aluminum potassium sulfate, bovine extract, formaldehyde or formalin and Thimerosal (for adult doses) contained in each syringe!
Sadly, magical thinking is just the beginning. Much of the information we’ve been given regarding tetanus vaccination is either incomplete, misleading or flat out wrong.
Let’s Explore That, Shall We?
By now you’ve probably heard that tetanus exposure can come from rusty nails, but I’ll bet no one’s mentioned that it can also come from those dust bunnies under your bed, that toy your baby just dropped in the dirt and put in her mouth, and in that cow patty you scraped off your boot after the barn dance.Yep, Clostridium tetani is actually found in common household dust, animal droppings and about 1/3 of the soil sampled around the world – it’s everywhere! (Source) In fact, the only reason rusty nails are ever a concern is that they come into contact with things like soil and have the ability to puncture skin – they don’t inherently contain Clostridium tetani.
So why are we not seeing rampant epidemics? Good question!
Natural Immunity Vs. Artificial Immunity
Normally when we encounter Clostridium tetani it enters our body through our mouth or nose – by breathing dust particles that contain it or eating food that has retained some from the soil it was grown in. However, unlike with puncture wounds, ingested Clostridium tetani is unable to produce large amounts tetanospasmin, the potent neurotoxin that causes the muscle spasms and fatalities associated with tetanus infection.In fact – and I’ll bet this is something else you won’t hear at your local pedi’s – it appears that gradual exposure to tetanus in this way can create natural immunity.
Unvaccinated Populations With Proven Natural Immunity To Tetanus
- In this study, “410 Indians not artificially immunised against tetanus showed that 80% had measurable antitoxin” levels against tetanospasmin. Researchers concluded this was due to ingestion of Clostridium tetani over time.
- And according to these researchers,, when “adequate conditions appear, tetanus toxin is known to stimulate the immune system and produce detectable humoral antibodies [antitoxin]. . . The existence of natural immunization was unquestionably demonstrated by presence of protective levels of tetanus antitoxin in the blood of the majority of 59 surveyed subjects considering that none of them had ever received any tetanus toxoid and most of them never received a single shot of any drug.” (emphasis mine)
- When researchers tested the blood of 200 individuals in an isolated community it was found that 197 had measurable levels of antitoxin and about 30% had “protective levels” according to Western standards. The researchers pointed out that immunity seemed to be age related, with the youngest being the most lacking in antitoxin. It is thought that this is because the immune response occurs over a period of time.
- In Mali, samples from 48 adults found 20 individuals with protective tetanus antibody titers, 23 with measurable levels of antitoxin, and 5 devoid of tetanus antitoxin. Ninety-nine unvaccinated children ages 3 and under were also tested and then retested 7 months later. When the first serum sample was taken 12.1% were found to have tetanus antitoxin. Seven months later 16.2% had antitoxins and 4 children were found to have “protective levels.” According to the researchers, “The data suggest a silent oral immunization by tetanus bacilli thus boosting under unhygienic conditions the tetanus immunity with advancing age.”
What I want to draw attention to here is how different this scenario is from the conditions that lead to tetanus infection. Clostridium tetani needs an anaerobic environment (like a puncture wound) to replicate. Cuts and scrapes which have been exposed to oxygen are not a concern. Though the digestive tract is a low-oxygen environment it also somehow manages to disable reproduction. Researchers have not indicated why they think this is, but I believe it’s because the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tracts neutralize them before they ever get established.
On the other hand, Clostridium tetani introduced through a puncture wound bypasses our natural immune defenses and flows directly into the bloodstream. In that way a tetanus vaccine is actually very similar to the most dangerous way a person can encounter tetanus – through a puncture wound! When we inject tetanus into an individual we are simulating the wrong process – the “sneak attack” on the bloodstream which overwhelms the body instead of the slow exposure through ingestion that yields immunity.
But! But!
According to the CDC, tetanus
rates continue to drop despite the fact that about 40% of the population
is not vaccinated against the disease.
Um, no.
As it turns out ‘[d]uring the mid-1800′s there were 205 cases of tetanus per 100,000 wounds. By the early 1900′s (before a tetanus vaccine became available), this rate had declined to 16 cases per 100,000 wounds - a 92% reduction. Some researchers attribute this decline to an increased attention to wound hygiene.”(source, emphasis mine)
Here’s another statistic you may find interesting:
During the Second World War, there were 12 recorded cases of tetanus. Four of them occurred in military personnel vaccinated against the disease . . . The majority of those cases were over 50. During that time, no deaths occurred among any tetanus cases under 30 years of age. Tetanus vaccines are not responsible for the success, since they only immunize for 12 years or less, and most of the vaccines are given to children. Yet, in contrast, the tetanus vaccine itself results in a variety of serious complications, including recurrent abscesses, high fever, inner ear nerve damage, anaphylactic shock, loss of consciousness, and demyelinating neuropathy (progressive nerve degeneration). (See U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports for additional information on these statistics.)Why do most cases of tetanus occur in people over 50? According to my friend and chiro, Dr. Haggerton, it’s because some older adults have decreased circulation in their limbs due to conditions like diabetes. If they step on a sharp reed/nail/whatever and there is not enough circulation to make the wound bleed it will not properly aerate. This, of course, makes the wound an anaerobic environment where the multiplication of Clostridium tetani becomes possible. Because some diabetics experience a condition called neuropathy – decreased sensation in the feet – they may not even know they stepped on something and therefore do not clean and aerate the wound properly.
How To Prevent Tetanus
Despite what we’ve been told, there is plenty of evidence out there that plain old oxygen-rich hydrogen peroxide is more effective at preventing tetanus than the vaccine. Experts say deep puncture wounds and other at-risk injuries should be thoroughly cleaned and not allowed to close until the inner tissues have begun to heal. Make sure the wound bleeds as much as possible because the oxygen in the blood will help to aerate the wound alongside a hydrogen peroxide solution.What To Do If You Suspect Tetanus
There is no blood test to confirm tetanus. However, if you suspect you or someone you love has it you should immediately go to the emergency room so that a doctor can assess you. If he/she believes you have tetanus request the Tetanus Immunoglobulin (TiG) shot. The TiG is an anti-toxin serum, not a vaccine. PLEASE MAKE SURE you actually see the packaging that the anti-toxin comes in, because in many hospitals standard procedure calls for suspected tetanus patients to be given the vaccine rather than the more expensive (and honestly, painful) anti-toxin. Obviously, this makes no sense because it takes weeks for the vaccine to stimulate “protective” levels of antibodies, but that is what it currently recommended in many clinical settings.Tetanus Toxoid = Vaccine
Tetanus Immunoglobulin = Anti-Toxin
Got it? GREAT!!! Thanks for sticking with me through this uber long post!
Questions? Comments? I Want To Hear What You Have To Say!
Photo credits: syringe and vial, “dust” bunnyNote: Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical or legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you implement that decision is yours and yours alone. Full Disclaimer Here
Source: http://www.mommypotamus.com/
Monday, September 10, 2012
At Last! Government Documents Locked Up for 30 Years Proving This Vaccine Unsafe Finally Revealed
"These papers prove yet again that our children are at risk from the
routine vaccinations our governments recommend. In my opinion,
governments never write ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ on a document unless the
document contains information that government wishes to remain secret.
These documents have remained under lock and key for thirty years,
leading me to wonder what will be hidden in documents being locked away
under lock and key today. To hide information such as this from the
public is a crime against humanity."
Many parents are opting to have their children vaccinated with the single measles, mumps and rubella vaccines due to growing concerns about the safety of the MMR, but are they jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? Hidden government documents have revealed that leading professionals have had serious concerns about the safety of the single measles vaccines for many years.
government documents that have been under lock and key for thirty years
have revealed that the UK government has known for many years that the
single measles vaccine can cause the debilitating neurological disorder
SSPE or Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis.
is a degenerative neurological condition, which affects a person’s
behavior, memory and coordination, leading to fits, blindness and
eventually death. The Disabled World News 2010 [1] says that the symptoms a person with SSPE experiences are subtle:
usually include symptoms such as changes in behavior and mild mental
deterioration such as memory loss. The symptoms that follow are commonly
involuntary jerking movements of the person’s head, limb or trunk
jerks, and additional motor function disturbances. The person may
experience seizure activity, or become blind. As the disorder advances,
the affected person might lose the ability to walk as their muscles
spasm or stiffen. The person progresses towards a comatose state,
followed by a vegetative state. People with SSPE commonly die as a
result of fever, heart failure, or their brain’s inability to continue
controlling their autonomic nervous system.
1972 serious concerns about the measles vaccine’s potential to cause
vaccine-induced SSPE had grown in momentum. It was decided that a group
called ‘Expert Group on the Surveillance of SSPE’ was
needed to study the problem in more detail. On February 9, Medical
Officer F.C. Stallybrass wrote a request to UK’s leading professionals
asking them to attend a meeting on Monday March 13, 1972 in room D1001
of the Alexander Fleming House. His letter contained a selection of
documents, which he stated ‘may form a basis for discussion.’ [2]
The members of this group were listed on a separate JCVI (Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunization) document titled ‘Proposed Membership of Expert Group on Surveillance of SSPE.’ [3] The professionals invited were:
- Professor G. Dick (chairman)
- Dr. E.N. Brutt, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Dr. J.A. Dudgeon, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Dr. C.J. Earl, National Hospital
- Dr. T.T.S. Ingram, Department of Child Life and Health, Edinburough
- Dr. Christine Miller, PHLS, Collingdale
- Professor T.E. Oppe, St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington
- Dr. G. Pampiglione, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Dr. J. Wilson, The Hospital for Sick Children
If this information is not worrisome enough, at around the same time, a memo titled ‘Copy Of Notice To Be Circulated To ABE – Measles Vaccine And Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis’ [4] was also sent out, stating that:
‘There has been some concern recently about the suggestion that measles vaccines might occasionally give rise to Subacute
Sclerosing Panencephalitis. Professor Sir Charles Stuart-Harris, as
chairman of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, has
asked whether members of the Association would be prepared to notify
cases we see.’
Note the words ‘might occasionally,’ which in my opinion, were specifically chosen to cover the fact that this was a growing problem.
document, along with many others uncovered, means that the measles
vaccination was proving problematic to the neurological well being of
young children as far back as 1972. If this were the end of the matter,
then it would be easy to assume that the problems had been overcome.
However, the problem of vaccine-induced SSPE continued to persist even
when the measles vaccination was combined with the mumps and the rubella
vaccination to form the MMR triple vaccine.
What this meant was
cases of vaccine-induced SSPE were not only occurring after children
received the single vaccine but they were also occurring after they
received the MMR vaccine.
A staggering 15 years later during the ARVI (Adverse Reaction to Vaccination and Immunization) meeting 6th
July 1987 in item 5 – MMR vaccine – 5.4 Postpartum Rubella immunization
associated with development of prolonged arthritis neurological
sequelae and chronic rubella arthritis Tingle et al. J of Inf. Diseases
1985), Vol. 152: pages 606-612. {5}, the committee were discussing
points raised in the previous ARVI meeting.
Dr. Cavanagh reminded the committee of a SSPE-like syndrome
reported from rubella virus infection, noting the reported maternal
viraemia and transmission of rubella virus in breast milk, which was
discussed in submitted correspondence.
Several other professionals brought up points on this matter. Dr. Christine Miller had completed a study of SSPE surveillance (remember, she was part of the expert SSPE surveillance group)
and it was thought that none of her cases were associated with rubella.
Dr. Wallace thought the report to which Dr. Cavanagh had referred
concerned congenital rubella syndrome, not acquired rubella.
Could the
SSPE-like condition being reported at the ARVI meeting have been a
non-fatal form of autism? Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D. firmly believes that
it was and she has made her thoughts on the subject very clear. Speaking
on a radio show with David Kirby, she told listeners that she believes
autism is a non-fatal type of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis caused
by demyelination following vaccine-induced encephalitis.
believes that the name of the condition was changed to autism to hide
this self-evident fact. [6] She says that if you read the description in
Harrison’s paper on SSPE [7], a document used to teach internal
medicine to medical students all over the world, it is clear that what
is described is in fact autism. In fact, if you read the Harrison’s 10th Edition published in 1983, four years before the ARVI meeting, it states that SSPE can be caused by the measles vaccine.
I would like to point out that Dr. Cavanagh did state ‘a SSPE– like syndrome reported from rubella virus infection,’
indicating that this was a condition similar to SSPE, exactly what Dr.
Carley is saying today, without the benefit of seeing these papers that
had been tucked away for all these years.
Incriminating Government Document Labeled NOT FOR PUBLICATION
The SSPE problems were still occurring in 1988. On Monday, November 14,1988, the Medical Research Council held a meeting titled ‘Committee On The Development Of Vaccines And Immunisation Procedures Sub Committee Of Measles Vaccines. [8]
this meeting, as stated on Page 2 section 3.3, Professor David
Salisbury reported on the outbreak of measles in England and Wales in
1988. He reported that there had been five deaths from the complications
of measles and one death due to SSPE. There is no indication as to
whether the child who died with SSPE or the five dying from the
complications of measles were vaccinated, although as this was a meeting
discussing the measles vaccine, it is highly likely.
appears from these documents that the single measles vaccination could
cause a child to suffer from the life-threatening condition SSPE, while
the MMR vaccination could cause a child to suffer an SSPE-like condition
similar to autism.
would have thought the vaccines would have immediately removed from the
market at this point, but it appears that the problem was still being
reported during government meetings in 1997.
During research, I came across a government document titled ‘The JCVI Minutes Friday 7th November 1997 NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ [9] (obviously written to hide the truth from the public). Part of this document states:
at a conference in the US had suggested that the measles vaccine might
cause SSPE. The Committee was informed by ******** that, in the studies,
measles vaccine virus had been identified only once in SSPE and that
was using techniques no longer used. In the last ten years, every case
of SSPE in the US was alleged to have been caused by vaccine viruses
since all involved vaccinated children. There had been 23 SSPE cases:
all had been studied and none had been vaccine derived, all were wild
type measles virus. The only cases where the vaccine virus had been
found were individuals with severe immunodeficiency. The argument from
********* was that people who had wild
virus infection and then were immunised with measles containing vaccine
were at a heightened risk of SSPE. If that view were correct,
vaccination should eliminate SSPE. There is limited surveillance on
SSPE; what evidence there is suggests it is on the decrease. Data on
SSPE from countries without a measles vaccination programme, who had
introduced the measles vaccination programme relatively recently (eg.
Denmark) might be helpful.
(sadly, names were redacted)
this means is that in some cases the MMR vaccine is causing children to
either get full-blown SSPE which, as we know, can lead to death or an
SSPE-like condition which is likely to be autism or an autism-like
No wonder these documents are marked NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
JCVI is the organization chosen by the UK government to sanction the
vaccines to be used on the UK population, yet the minutes from their
meetings are riddled with lies and cover-ups.
papers that I obtained from the Kew Archives talk about various
conditions brought on by the measles vaccination. One paper titled
APUDC [10] from September 8, 1982, lists the following:
- Convulsions
- Encephalitis
- Deafness
- Paralysis ataxia
- Leukaemia
- Status Epilepticus
- Died 48 hours later
- Fits
- Squint
To see this document and many more, go to the Kew Archives Website
and order the files quoted in the references. To search, go into the
document section marked ‘Health’ and then search for Measles Vaccine and
papers prove yet again that our children are at risk from the routine
vaccinations our governments recommend. In my opinion, governments never
write ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ on a document unless the document contains
information that government wishes to remain secret. These documents
have remained under lock and key for thirty years, leading me to wonder
what will be hidden in documents being locked away under lock and key
today. To hide information such as this from the public is a crime
against humanity.
We are publishing this information to educate Congress, the media, and public regarding issues affecting the health and well-being of our citizens. It is not our intention to infringe upon anyone’s copyright. We believe we have used the U.S. Copyright’s Doctrine of Fair Use equitably and without incurring infringement or plagiarism.
Citation: Disabled World News (2010-03-11) – Symptoms of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis SSPE include changes in behavior and mild mental deterioration such as memory loss: http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/types/sspe.php#ixzz24ResE82p
Letter Referenced Surveillance on SSPE Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/visit/
‘Proposed Membership of Expert Group on Surveillance of SSPE’ Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/visit/
Copy Of Notice To Be Circulated To ABE – Measles Vaccine And Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis’ Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/visit/
ARVI (Adverse Reaction to Vaccination and Immunization) meeting 6th July 1987 Retrieved from Profitable Harm website http://www.profitableharm.com/pdf/JOINT%20CSM-JCVI%20AND%20ARVI%206-7-87.pdf
RECENT FED CT DECISION IN AUTISM CASE PROVES DR. CARLEY RIGHT http://www.drcarley.com/dr_carley_critique_fed_autism_decision.htm
Dr Carley 10th edition Harrison paper http://www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com/files/3638448/uploaded/SSPE_from_Harrisons%20optimized.pdf
Committee On The Development Of Vaccines And Immunisation Procedures Sub Committee Of Measles Vaccines’ Retrieved from Kew Archives File FD23/5120 http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/visit/
The JCVI Minutes Friday 7th November 1997 http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.uk/jcvi/foi-2005-minutesNov97.pdf
JCVI Minutes PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE AFTER THE MEASLES VACCINE – CASES REPORTED TO APUDC from 9.1.82 Kew Archives File FD23/5120 http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/visit/
Source: http://vactruth.com/2012/08/30/ government-document-vaccine-uns afe/