Saturday, October 20, 2012


1. There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.

2. There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry based or industry sponsored trials.

3. There has never been any official attempt to compare a vaccinated population against a non vaccinated population to know what vaccines are doing to the children and the society. Independent private studies (Dutch & German and the most recent KIGGS (Aug 2011) study involving 7724 children worlwide) have revealed that vaccinated children suffer much more than their un-vaccinated counterparts.

4. The child receives not one but many vaccines. There are practically no tests to determine the effects of multiple vaccines.

5. There is no scientific basis for vaccinating infants. As per senior doctors quoted by the Times of India, “Children suffer from less that 2% of vaccine preventable illnesses but 98% of the vaccines are targeted towards them.” The vaccine pioneers who have recommended abundant caution before vaccinating the population have never advocated regular mass vaccinations without any threat in sight.

6. Children are vaccinated simply because parents can be frightened to forcefully vaccinate their children. Vaccinating infants is the most profitable business both for the manufacturers as well as the doctors.This makes vaccine makers lobby for all vaccines to be included in the childhood vaccination schedule. Schools are also instigated to require their wards to be “fully vaccinated”. Very recently in the National Vaccine Policy draft the Govt of India has fallen into the trap and decided to legitimize all vaccines available in the market brushing aside recommendations by very senior doctors and medical scientists who have said that the policy is “irrational”.

7. Infants, who are advised ONLY mothers milk till the age of six months and beyond because their fragile system will not tolerate anything else are given 36 extremely toxic vaccine shots, including booster doses, an act that defies both logic and science.

8. The Government of India has come out with a quarter page advertisement in The Hindu warning parents not to vaccinate beyond the Government approved vaccines. Parents have been advised against vaccinating in private clinics and hospitals.

9. The Orissa Chapter of the Indian Association of Pediatricians has admitted in a letter to the CM, Orissa, that private clinic and hospitals are ill equipped to store vaccines and warned parents not to vaccinate upon the advice of private practitioners and hospitals. In a recent private survey in India 94% of the doctors surveyed expressed concerns about the maintainence of the cold chain in India, 54% of the doctors have said they are afraid of vaccinating their own children and 88% fear that vaccines are unsafe.

11. Vaccines contain highly toxic metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, bacteria and toxoids, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm.

12. The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 110 in the USA, 1 in 10 worldwide as per doctors in the USA, 1 in 38 in South Korea, 1 in 37 as per a private study by doctors in New Delhi), a fact that (vaccines cause autism) has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court. About 83 suspected cases of vaccines causing autism have been awarded compensation.

13. The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism is flawed. The Chief of CDC Dr Julie Gerberding (now head of the Vaccine Division of Merck) has confessed to the media (CNN) that vaccines can cause “autism like symptoms”. The Autism epidemic is found in all countries that have allowed mass vaccinations.

14. In the year 1999, the US Government instructed vaccine manufacturers in the USA to remove mercury from vaccines “with immediate effect”. But mercury still remains a part of many vaccines. The vaccines with mercury were never recalled and were given to children up to the year 2006. “Mercury free” vaccines contain 0.05mcg to 0.1mcg of mercury, still posing a danger to the infant considering that mercury tends to accumulate in the body and that there are today many sources of mercury exposure. As per an American Academy of Pediatricians study: “Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population.”


16. In a reply to then President Sri Abdul Kalam, the Health Ministry informed, “mercury is required to make the vaccines safe”. To the author’s query that “what are these vaccines that it requires the second most dangerous neurotoxin, mercury, to make them safe?” there was no reply.

17. Mercury used in vaccines is second in toxicity only to the radioactive substance, Uranium. Mercury is 1000 times more toxic than lead. It is a neurotoxin that can damage the entire nervous system of the infant. According to a study by Dr Teresa Binstock et al, more than 200 symptoms of autism match completely with symptoms of mercury poisoning. This study created a furor in the US political establishment and angry Congressmen demanded a ban on mercury in vaccines. The US Government responded by recommending that mercury not be used in vaccines. The industry did reduce the quantum of mercury in some single use vaccine vials but certain vaccines in the USA continue to have mercury in large quantities as an ingredient. In spite of pressure mounted by advocacy groups the vaccine manufacturers have refused to make available vaccines available to the developing world. Eli Lily, the manufacturer of the controversial mercury containing compound Thimerosal has considerable influence in the political circles and many prominent international politicians have shares in this company.

18. Mercury accumulates in fat. The brain being made mostly of fat cells, most of the mercury accumulates there and may be contributing to the peculiar symptoms of the autistic children. Interestingly the ethyl mercury that is used in vaccines can cross the blood brain barrier and has a greater tendency to accumulate in the brain. It has also the tendency to remain there for a long time, in many cases permanently. This presence is devastating to both the neurons and the brain cells.

19. The mercury used in vaccines is ethyl mercury. According to Indian doctors this is an industrial toxin and is 1000 times more toxic than the usual methyl mercury. Ethyl mercury is absorbed into the body faster than methyl mercury and converts into inorganic mercury which tends to become a permanent fixture in the brain.

20. The aluminum present in vaccines makes the mercury, in any form, 100 times more toxic through a process called synergistic toxicity. Aluminum is used in very large doses in vaccines ostensibly to cause an immune reaction. According to a very recent study, “it causes cells to give up their DNA”.

21. As per an independent study aluminum and formaldehyde present in vaccines can increase the toxicity of mercury, in any form, by 1000 times.

22. As per a Tehelka article on Autism, if one considers the WHO limit for mercury in water, they are receiving 50,000 times the limit. The limits set, incidentally, are for adults and not infants.

23. Autism in India has emerged as the most rapidly growing epidemic amongst children, more than the growth of infantile diabetes, AIDS and cancer combined. As per a private study done by doctors in New Delhi, from 1 in 500 it has steadily climbed to 1 in 37 today. As per Indian doctors, “You can go to any class of any school today and find an autistic child.” Sonia Gandhi, the Chairperson of the Autism Society of India, has on 25th July 2011 declared in an International Autism Conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh that 8 million children in India suffer from this debilitating spectrum disorder, the growth of which has baffled medical scientists.

24. Autism is a permanent disability that affects the child physically, mentally and emotionally. It makes the child loose social contact. It impedes both the physical and mental growth of the child. It destroys the brain causing severe memory and attention problems. It also destroys the immune system and causes very severe damage to the guts. The majority of symptoms displayed by autistic children match symptoms of vaccine strain virus insult and heavy metal poisoning.

25. According to vaccine researcher Dr Harris Coulter, vaccines cause children to become pervert and criminal, traced to the encephalopathy (a brain disorder) caused by the toxins in vaccines. Majority of the school shootings by the children in the USA have been committed by autistic children. Vaccines can cause more harm that even the medical community privately acknowledges.

26. Autistic children also suffer from severe bowel disorders. As per Dr Andrew Wakefield, a reputed gastroenterologist of the UK, this is due to the vaccine strain live measles virus in the MMR vaccine. Many children become fully autistic after the MMR shot, as reported by the parents and the doctors treating the children. Dr Wakefield found the vaccine strain measles virus in the blood, guts, tissue and the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) of autistic children. This finding has been confirmed by many other studies published since then (Dr Timothy Buie, Dr V K Singh, Kawashima et al, Dr James Walker Smith et al). However in a politically motivated move Dr Wakefield was pulled up for his finding and disgraced by the UK Government which had introduced the MMR vaccine, his licence to practice in the UK was cancelled and his case study pulled out of the Lancet. He now practices in The Thoughtful House in the USA where he treats autistic children. As per a recent study the MMR vaccine has an adverse effect on the vital mucosal immune system. The very basis of trying to prevent childhood Mumps and Measles has been questioned in this study.

27. The DPT also causes children to regress giving rise to fears that multiple bacteria/toxoids/ live virus vaccines are an important cause behind autism. If three live viruses can cause so much harm we can well imagine what today’s Pentavalent, septavalent and 10 valent vaccines will do to children.

28. Before the autism epidemic, it was already well known that vaccines have caused the cancer epidemic in today’s society. Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many monkey viruses to enter the human blood stream. Out of these the only researched virus, SV 40, has been found to be cancerous. As per recent revelations these viruses continue to be in the vaccines. The presence of SV 40 in various human cancers has been demonstrated. Today it is known that the virus is being passed on to future generations as its presence in the mother’s milk and human sperms has been established.

29. It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans. As per Dr Robert Gallo, the discoverer of the Human Immune deficiency Virus, the SIV and the HIV that causes AIDS are indistinguishable.

30. Not only AIDS, a blood cancer in infants (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) that is affecting children in thousands may also be primarily due to the extremely toxic nature of vaccine ingredients injected directly into the blood stream. This concern has been voiced to the author by a reputed oncologist of a hospital in Mumbai that treats children with the disorder.

31. Infantile jaundice and also infantile diabetes is also scientifically connected to the toxic vaccines.

32. The live polio viruses used in the Oral Polio Vaccine has caused Vaccine Attributed Paralytic Polio (500 to 600 cases a year in India as per investigating doctors) and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (symptoms indistinguishable from polio) in more than 1,25,000 children (up to the year 2006) as per doctors of the Indian Medical Association and the Jana Swasthya Abhiyan. The OPV has also let loose a new strain of polio in both India and Africa. The OPV has been discontinued in the USA & European countries. A monovalent OPV has been experimentally administered to Indian children in gross violation of clinical trial protocols. This caused cases of AFP to double in areas where this vaccine was administered.

33. Vaccines contain serum from not only chimpanzees and monkeys but also from cows, pigs, chickens, eggs, horses, and even human tissues (cell lines) extracted from aborted fetuses.

34. Deaths and permanent disability from vaccines is common and known by the medical community. They are instructed by the Government to keep quiet and not to associate such cases with vaccines as disclosed by the doctors of the IMA while unfolding the OPV scandal. The public comes to know only when the cases are highlighted by the media.

35. Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders in adults like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.

36. Vaccines suppress the natural immunity and the body does not have natural antibodies anymore. The mother’s milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses.

37. By stimulating humoral (blood related) immunity alone vaccines have caused an imbalance in the whole immune set up (referred to as the TH1-TH2 imbalance and a resultant shift to TH2) leading to an alarming increase in auto immune disorders. This is acknowledged by the immunologists themselves.

38. In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages). The courts in the USA have paid nearly $ 2 billion in damages so far. The Indian Government simply refuses to acknowledge that vaccines can cause deaths and permanent disability, let alone compensate, treat and rehabilitate the unfortunate victims.

39. It has been scientifically proven that vaccines cannot prevent disease. Vaccines try to create humoral (blood related immunity) whereas it has been found that immunity is developed at various levels, humoral, cellular, and organ specific. We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it. According to concerned immunologists the “sailnt like immune system can convert into a massive negative force that can put the devil into shame” if interfered with unnecessarily.

40. In the USA parents are informed about vaccine after effects and their consent has to be taken before vaccinating their children. Parents in the USA can also opt out of the vaccination process by submitting various exemption forms.In India the Government assures the population through massive advertising campaigns that vaccines are extremely safe. Parents refusing to vaccinate are threatened by the administration.

41. THERE IS NO SYSTEM OF TREATMENT TO TREAT A VACCINE DAMAGED CHILD. The parents have to run from one hospital to another. The Government turns a blind eye and refuses to even acknowledge the vaccine connection. Attempts by highly qualified doctors worldwide to treat autistic children through biomedical interventions like supplying essential nutrients, diet correction, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and flushing out heavy metals and toxins from the body etc have been frowned upon and discouraged. Doctors have even been persecuted for treating autistic children mainly because these doctors tend to find out that the vaccines have caused the damage and raise their voices against them.

42. Senior medical doctors of India and senior medical scientists have challenged even the vaccines recommended by the Government of India. According to Dr P M Bhargava, the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been extensively tested in India as long back as 1961 and found to be totally ineffective (in fact tuberculosis in the vaccinated group was found to be more than in the control group!). The OPV is causing polio in tens of thousands of Indian children. The Hep-B vaccine introduced into the UPI recently is not meant for children at all, it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease that should be targeted only at promiscuous adults. The tetanus vaccine contains both aluminum and mercury besides the tetanus toxoid. The doctors themselves avoid giving the DPT to their children and relatives as per a survey amongst US health care professionals. The measles vaccine is one that regularly causes severe adverse effects and the health workers I have interviewed want it out. Recently Dr T Jacob John has called for screening children for inherent illnesses and the presence of a doctor while administering the measles vaccine. RTI activists have sourced data showing that deaths from vaccines are highest in case of the measles vaccine. Dr Ajay Gambhir, a very senior member of the IAP, too supports extensive screening of children before administering any vaccine. According to him children suffering from any illness, with any family history of autoimmune illnesses, any past reactions from vaccines, should not be administered vaccines. According to him the parents of children need to be told that they have the choice not to vaccinate.

43. The pediatricians are introducing dubious vaccines in India, which are being opposed by the doctors, politicians, and public in American and European countries. The Rotavirus vaccine, Hib vaccine, HPV vaccine (involved in a scam in India), the Pentavalent vaccine and the various multi virus vaccines being introduced without any kind of testing and without any need is only because the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering them want to ensure a good income from them. They care two hoots about medical ethics and the fate of the children who will receive these vaccines. Vaccines containing nano particles and viruses and also plant based or otherwise genetically modified vaccines are being opposed by independent doctors worldwide.

44. Various independent studies, notably the Dutch and the more recent German study, (also the recent KIGGS study involving 7724 children) comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children has found that vaccinated children are more prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, development delayes, attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity etc. According to the German study, the death rate amongst vaccinated children is much more than the unvaccinated ones.

45. Vaccination, being a mass medical program which is accepted without question, becomes the perfect launching pad for bioterrorism. The powerful countries can spread lethal epidemics by just polluting the vaccines with bio warfare agents. The USA has handed over vaccine research to a bioterrorism research unit called the BARDA which functions under the Pentagon. A warning to this effect has been sounded by the Vice President IAP in a letter to the Director General Health Services in India.

46. Besides “investigating” doing the same with the small pox virus, it is reported that a “weapons grade” bird flu vaccine has already been devised by the Pentagon to be used as a biowarfare agent.

47. Vaccines have also been used to ensure population control. A batch of the tetanus vaccine has been used in many Asian countries to make the female population sterile. This was done by introducing a hormone that by inducing antibodies would abort the foetus when it is formed. In India, Saheli, a NGO fighting for the rights of women filed a PIL against this when the fact surfaced.

48. Mercury, a part of vaccines, is known to interfere with the endocrine system and induce sterility in both males and females. Polysorbate 80, another ingredient of vaccines, and also Squalene is known to cause sterility.

49. Through a new Public Health Bill that is being drafted the Government of India is planning to introduce forced vaccinations and threaten anti-vaccination activists with steep fines and jail terms. This is obviously at the instance of foreign (read US) vaccine giants who are shifting base to India reeling at the tremendous opposition to vaccines in US and European countries. The Govt of India is planning a “vaccine park” at Chennai where these vaccine MNCs will set up base. This itself is an act of bioterrorism which ironically the proposed bill seeks to oppose.

50. As per the Institute Of Medicine, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted. The Institute of Medicine in its last report on vaccines and autism in 2004 said that more research on the vaccine question is counterproductive: Finding a susceptibility to this risk in some infants would call into question the universal vaccination strategy that is a bedrock of immunization programs and could lead to widespread rejection of vaccines. The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism “must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children”. However inherently biased studies that try to disprove a link between vaccines and autism have been allowed and funded by the CDC. The Principal Coordinator of many of these studies (referred to as The Danish Studies) Dr Paul Thorsen, has recently been in the news for money laundering and fraudulently misappropriating a huge chunk of research funds channeled towards these studies calling into question the veracity of the conclusion reached in these studies. The CDC study done by Dr Thomas Verstraeten manipulated data as revealed by RTI activists. Dr Verstraeten later joined a vaccine MNC. (Early in his study, the lead author, CDC’s Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, found statistically significant associations between the amount of mercury (thimerosal) exposure children got from their childhood vaccines, and a wide range of brain disorders. However, the published version of the study (the one the authors say is accurate) found no evidence of a link to autism. Not disclosed was that Dr. Verstraeten had left CDC midstream during the study and had gone to work for Glaxo, a vaccine manufacturer).

What does this all add up to? Infants should be sacrificed in order to perpetuate an unscientific procedure?


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The Entire Vaccine Industry Is Being Exposed For Unproven Assumptions And Misrepresentations of Data – Dr. Dave Mihalovic

by Dr. Dave Mihalovic  Oct 10, 2012
‘Nothing ever will change when it comes to the effectiveness or preventative nature of vaccines. That’s because they aren’t effective and they will never prevent disease. The fact is, they were never designed to. When it comes to disease prevention, vaccines are a myth of orders and magnitude so large, that most people could never really conceive the true historical facts on why vaccines were first developed …’

The Entire Vaccine Industry Is Being Exposed For Unproven Assumptions And Misrepresentations of Data

There are no safe vaccines. There never was and never will be with the current misrepresented data and unproven assumptions that have spanned over a century in the making. The fact is, every single vaccine is now being exposed for the lack of demonstrated evidence to actually prevent a single case of disease over a placebo. Think it’s an exaggeration? Think again.

The reality of two centuries of mortality graphs, and disease declines and vaccine effectiveness vs. dangers is always in stark contradiction to the claims of government health officials.

People are now listening more than ever and the message is spreading like wild fire. The evidence being highlighted is that the historical significance and effectiveness of vaccines is nothing more than repeated myths absent of any real-life data.

The questionable contributions of vaccines and other medical measures were highlighted with incredible accuracy in 1977 by John and Sonja McKinlaywho brilliantly detailed how medical care is generally unrelated to improvements in the health of populations.

“History is replete with examples of how, understandably enough, self-interested individuals and groups denounced popular customs and beliefs which appeared to threaten their own domains of practice, thereby rendering from heresies (for example physicians’ denunciation of midwives as witches, during the Middle Ages),” they wrote.
Not much has changed. The pro-vaccine camps have been dismissing the anti-vaccine community for quite some time (even their own peers who are physicians) as they have resorted to some very nasty measures to ensure that people do not discover the truth about vaccines. Marco Torres wrote an excellent article in 2010 on how Everything is Lie in our current mass exchange of mainstream information and any truth still left scattered on the internet is picked up and tossed around by disinformation specialists as Torres points out in the middle of the article (Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation).

So what’s different today about our knowledge on vaccines than it was thirty years ago? Everything. Every month that passes is exposing more quackery and myths about vaccinations and their misrepresented benefits. More people are becoming aware so the truth can no longer be suppressed.
A report which is again being highlighted by the alternative media (of course) is a remarkable study published in the Cochrane Library which found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate.

The authors found that vaccines administered parenterally, that is, outside the digestive tract, usually meaning by injection, reduced influenza-like symptoms by 4%. They found no evidence that vaccination prevents viral transmission putting the whole herd immunity myth once again into question.

The maximum success rate of the flu vaccine is 6.25% which is a pretty big under-achievement, considering that the average reaction to placebo injections of distilled water is 30%.
More independent scientific studies are also coming forth showing evidence of massive fetal toxicity associated with flu vaccines. Recent research I reported on is now published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths according to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data when comparing three consecutive influenza seasons.

The HPV vaccine is another excellent example of a massive cover-up that is incrementally being exposed. The most recent scientific study was found online at PubMed from the National Institutes of Health — Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines as an Option for Preventing Cervical Malignancies: (How) Effective and Safe?.

The study carried out a systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials to assess the evidence of their effectiveness and safety. They found that HPV vaccine clinical trials design, and data interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes, were largely inadequate. They also noted an abundance of selective reporting of results from clinical trials (i.e., exclusion of vaccine efficacy figures related to study subgroups in which efficacy might be lower or even negative from peer-reviewed publications).

The authors note that the widespread optimism regarding HPV vaccines long-term benefits appears to rest on a number of unproven assumptions (or such which are at odd with factual evidence) and significant misinterpretation of available data. For example, the claim that HPV vaccination will result in approximately 70% reduction of cervical cancers is made despite the fact that the clinical trials data have not demonstrated to date that the vaccines have actually prevented a single case of cervical cancer (let alone cervical cancer death), nor that the current overly optimistic surrogate marker-based extrapolations are justified.

Likewise, the notion that HPV vaccines have an impressive safety profile is only supported by highly flawed design of safety trials and is contrary to accumulating evidence from vaccine safety surveillance databases and case reports which continue to link HPV vaccination to serious adverse outcomes (including death and permanent disabilities).

Late last year, the Annals of Medicine exposed the fraudulent nature of Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix. Key messages the researchers report include a lack of evidence for any HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer and lack of evaluation of health risks.
Vaccinations such as HPV are not preventative, they do compromise safety and physicians will never provide accurate explanations of vaccine risks and benefits because they do not know themselves. Physicians can only rely on the information from vaccine manufacturers and since long-term pharmacokinetic effects which study the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of vaccines and their ingredients are never examined or analyzed, a Physician can never fully inform of patient of ANY benefits or risks. That ladies and gentlemen is the BOTTOM LINE!

Take into consideration all of the unintended (or perhaps intended) mutations that are taking place with whooping cough, polio and hepatitis vaccines. Or what if we consider all of the known and very dangerous excipients and preservatives (including thimerosal) in flu vaccines that continue appearing year after year as evidenced in approved 2011/2012 influenza line-up of vaccines introduced last year. Stay tuned as I will soon release my report for the 2012/2013 flu season which will clearly show that nothing has changed.

Nothing ever will change when it comes to the effectiveness or preventative nature of vaccines. That’s because they aren’t effective and they will never prevent disease. The fact is, they were never designed to. When it comes to disease prevention, vaccines are a myth of orders and magnitude so large, that most people could never really conceive the true historical facts on why vaccines were first developed (and that had everything to do with the promotion and not prevention of disease). That’s not something I usually get into, but the cat is out of the bag and the vaccine industry is crumbling. It’s only a matter of time before every single human being is faced with the reality that vaccination and immunization are impossible to interrelate.

The validity and scientific merit of the vaccine industry is now hanging by a thread all I can say is…it’s about time!

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012



Antibodies Do Not Equal Immunity

According to the CDC, “Because of the extreme potency of the toxin, tetanus disease does not result in tetanus immunity.”

How is it, then, that can you vaccinate successfully against tetanus?

If the purpose of vaccination is to simulate normal immune responses with weakened or dead pathogens, why would vaccination yield immunity when the actual disease can’t?

According to experts, it’s because the bacteria that causes tetanus - Clostridium tetani – produces a neurotoxin which inhibits our ability to create the antibodies that fight infection. By introducing a dead form of the toxin (which cannot block antibody production) doctors hope that patients will build up immunity to the toxin. It seems like a plausible idea, but is that possible?
Yes and no. While it is is possible that the body will create antibodies to the toxin, antibody response to a vaccine does not equal immunity or protection. (Source 1, Source 2). The presence of antibodies after a vaccination indicates exposure to a pathogen, but it alone does not confer immunity.
Here’s what I mean: Say you send your first grader to school with the answers to her second period quiz in her back pocket. When test time arrives she has to go through the hassle of digging through her folders to find the answer sheet, read your chicken scratch handwriting (or maybe that’s just mine!), and write down the answers. She had to go through **some** effort to earn that A+, but having the right answers on that test does NOT mean she learned anything, or that she will be prepared to handle real-life events based on her “success” with the test.
In the case of the tetanus vaccine, injecting the body with dead toxins is essentially like handing it the answers to a quiz. Unless the whole immune system fully engages a live version of the pathogen it does not really learn anything. This is evidenced by the fact that according to this statement from the University of Chicago’s Neurology department, individuals with extremely high levels of titers (antibodies) can still contract severe – even fatal – tetanus. The idea that antibodies equal immunity is magical thinking not supported by the many documented cases of disease outbreaks among fully vaccinated populations. In fact, in one investigation into why a Corpus Christi middle school had an outbreak, researchers said that:
We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.”
Okay, you may be thinking, the tetanus vaccine probably won’t work. But what harm can a little magical thinking do, really? Why not just get the vaccine in case? Well, according to a letter published by the The New England Journal of Medicine, the tetanus booster shot can actually cause T cells (vital to immune system function) to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease up to 2 weeks later. In some cases, the researchers observed that the T-cell count fell to levels found in active AIDS patients. Scary, yes? And that’s before we consider the generous dose of aluminum potassium sulfate, bovine extract, formaldehyde or formalin and Thimerosal (for adult doses) contained in each syringe!
Sadly, magical thinking is just the beginning. Much of the information we’ve been given regarding tetanus vaccination is either incomplete, misleading or flat out wrong.

Let’s Explore That, Shall We?

By now you’ve probably heard that tetanus exposure can come from rusty nails, but I’ll bet no one’s mentioned that it can also come from those dust bunnies under your bed, that toy your baby just dropped in the dirt and put in her mouth, and in that cow patty you scraped off your boot after the barn dance.
Yep, Clostridium tetani is actually found in common household dust, animal droppings and about 1/3 of the soil sampled around the world – it’s everywhere! (Source) In fact, the only reason rusty nails are ever a concern is that they come into contact with things like soil and have the ability to puncture skin – they don’t inherently contain Clostridium tetani.
So why are we not seeing rampant epidemics? Good question!

Natural Immunity Vs. Artificial Immunity

Normally when we encounter Clostridium tetani it enters our body through our mouth or nose – by breathing dust particles that contain it or eating food that has retained some from the soil it was grown in. However, unlike with puncture wounds, ingested Clostridium tetani is unable to produce large amounts tetanospasmin, the potent neurotoxin that causes the muscle spasms and fatalities associated with tetanus infection.
In fact – and I’ll bet this is something else you won’t hear at your local pedi’s – it appears that gradual exposure to tetanus in this way can create natural immunity.

Photo © Depositphotos/imagex – Reprinted with permission

Unvaccinated Populations With Proven Natural Immunity To Tetanus

  • In this study, “410 Indians not artificially immunised against tetanus showed that 80% had measurable antitoxin” levels against tetanospasmin. Researchers concluded this was due to ingestion of Clostridium tetani over time.
  • And according to these researchers,, when “adequate conditions appear, tetanus toxin is known to stimulate the immune system and produce detectable humoral antibodies [antitoxin].  . . The existence of natural immunization was unquestionably demonstrated by presence of protective levels of tetanus antitoxin in the blood of the majority of 59 surveyed subjects considering that none of them had ever received any tetanus toxoid and most of them never received a single shot of any drug.” (emphasis mine)
  • When researchers tested the blood of 200 individuals in an isolated community it was found that 197 had measurable levels of antitoxin and about 30% had “protective levels” according to Western standards. The researchers pointed out that immunity seemed to be age related, with the youngest being the most lacking in antitoxin. It is thought that this is because the immune response occurs over a period of time.
  • In Mali, samples from 48 adults found 20 individuals with protective tetanus antibody titers, 23 with measurable levels of antitoxin, and 5 devoid of tetanus antitoxin. Ninety-nine unvaccinated children ages 3 and under were also tested and then retested 7 months later. When the first serum sample was taken 12.1% were found to have tetanus antitoxin. Seven months later 16.2% had antitoxins and 4 children were found to have “protective levels.”  According to the researchers, “The data suggest a silent oral immunization by tetanus bacilli thus boosting under unhygienic conditions the tetanus immunity with advancing age.”
Here we have our answer to how the body is designed to develop immunity to tetanus – through gradual ingestion rather than direct introduction into the bloodstream. Now, I’m NOT suggesting that you go out and try to find some tetanus-laden dirt to consume - we’ll be discussing far more effective ways to prevent your risk of tetanus soon!
What I want to draw attention to here is how different this scenario is from the conditions that lead to tetanus infection. Clostridium tetani needs an anaerobic environment (like a puncture wound) to replicate. Cuts and scrapes which have been exposed to oxygen are not a concern. Though the digestive tract is a low-oxygen environment it also somehow manages to disable reproduction. Researchers have not indicated why they think this is, but I believe it’s because the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tracts neutralize them before they ever get established.
On the other hand, Clostridium tetani introduced through a puncture wound bypasses our natural immune defenses and flows directly into the bloodstream. In that way a tetanus vaccine is actually very similar to the most dangerous way a person can encounter tetanus – through a puncture wound! When we inject tetanus into an individual we are simulating the wrong process – the “sneak attack” on the bloodstream which overwhelms the body instead of the slow exposure through ingestion that yields immunity.

But! But!

According to the CDC, tetanus rates continue to drop despite the fact that about 40% of the population is not vaccinated against the disease.
What about the dramatic drop in tetanus cases since the introduction of the vaccine? Even if it makes no logical sense we can see that it’s effective, right?
Um, no.
As it turns out ‘[d]uring the mid-1800′s there were 205 cases of tetanus per 100,000 wounds. By the early 1900′s (before a tetanus vaccine became available), this rate had declined to 16 cases per 100,000 wounds - a 92% reduction. Some researchers attribute this decline to an increased attention to wound hygiene.”(source, emphasis mine)
Here’s another statistic you may find interesting:
During the Second World War, there were 12 recorded cases of tetanus. Four of them occurred in military personnel vaccinated against the disease . . . The majority of those cases were over 50. During that time, no deaths occurred among any tetanus cases under 30 years of age. Tetanus vaccines are not responsible for the success, since they only immunize for 12 years or less, and most of the vaccines are given to children. Yet, in contrast, the tetanus vaccine itself results in a variety of serious complications, including recurrent abscesses, high fever, inner ear nerve damage, anaphylactic shock, loss of consciousness, and demyelinating neuropathy (progressive nerve degeneration). (See U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports for additional information on these statistics.)
Why do most cases of tetanus occur in people over 50? According to my friend and chiro, Dr. Haggerton, it’s because some older adults have decreased circulation in their limbs due to conditions like diabetes. If they step on a sharp reed/nail/whatever and there is not enough circulation to make the wound bleed it will not properly aerate. This, of course, makes the wound an anaerobic environment where the multiplication of Clostridium tetani becomes possible. Because some diabetics experience a condition called neuropathy – decreased sensation in the feet – they may not even know they stepped on something and therefore do not clean and aerate the wound properly.

How To Prevent Tetanus

Despite what we’ve been told, there is plenty of evidence out there that plain old oxygen-rich hydrogen peroxide is more effective at preventing tetanus than the vaccine. Experts say deep puncture wounds and other at-risk injuries should be thoroughly cleaned and not allowed to close until the inner tissues have begun to heal. Make sure the wound bleeds as much as possible because the oxygen in the blood will help to aerate the wound alongside a hydrogen peroxide solution.

 What To Do If You Suspect Tetanus

There is no blood test to confirm tetanus. However, if you suspect you or someone you love has it you should immediately go to the emergency room so that a doctor can assess you. If he/she believes you have tetanus request the Tetanus Immunoglobulin (TiG) shot. The TiG is an anti-toxin serum, not a vaccine. PLEASE MAKE SURE you actually see the packaging that the anti-toxin comes in, because in many hospitals standard procedure calls for suspected tetanus patients to be given the vaccine rather than the more expensive (and honestly, painful) anti-toxin. Obviously, this makes no sense because it takes weeks for the vaccine to stimulate “protective” levels of antibodies, but that is what it currently recommended in many clinical settings.
Tetanus Toxoid = Vaccine
Tetanus Immunoglobulin = Anti-Toxin
Got it? GREAT!!! Thanks for sticking with me through this uber long post!

Questions? Comments? I Want To Hear What You Have To Say!

Photo credits: syringe and vial“dust” bunny
Note: Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical or legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you implement that decision is yours and yours alone. Full Disclaimer Here 


Monday, September 10, 2012


At Last! Government Documents Locked Up for 30 Years Proving This Vaccine Unsafe Finally Revealed

"These papers prove yet again that our children are at risk from the routine vaccinations our governments recommend. In my opinion, governments never write ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ on a document unless the document contains information that government wishes to remain secret. These documents have remained under lock and key for thirty years, leading me to wonder what will be hidden in documents being locked away under lock and key today. To hide information such as this from the public is a crime against humanity."
 Many parents are opting to have their children vaccinated with the single measles, mumps and rubella vaccines due to growing concerns about the safety of the MMR, but are they jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? Hidden government documents have revealed that leading professionals have had serious concerns about the safety of the single measles vaccines for many years.
Secret government documents that have been under lock and key for thirty years have revealed that the UK government has known for many years that the single measles vaccine can cause the debilitating neurological disorder SSPE or Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis.

SSPE is a degenerative neurological condition, which affects a person’s behavior, memory and coordination, leading to fits, blindness and eventually death. The Disabled World News 2010 [1] says that the symptoms a person with SSPE experiences are subtle:
They usually include symptoms such as changes in behavior and mild mental deterioration such as memory loss. The symptoms that follow are commonly involuntary jerking movements of the person’s head, limb or trunk jerks, and additional motor function disturbances. The person may experience seizure activity, or become blind. As the disorder advances, the affected person might lose the ability to walk as their muscles spasm or stiffen. The person progresses towards a comatose state, followed by a vegetative state. People with SSPE commonly die as a result of fever, heart failure, or their brain’s inability to continue controlling their autonomic nervous system.
In 1972 serious concerns about the measles vaccine’s potential to cause vaccine-induced SSPE had grown in momentum. It was decided that a group called ‘Expert Group on the Surveillance of SSPE’ was needed to study the problem in more detail. On February 9, Medical Officer F.C. Stallybrass wrote a request to UK’s leading professionals asking them to attend a meeting on Monday March 13, 1972 in room D1001 of the Alexander Fleming House. His letter contained a selection of documents, which he stated ‘may form a basis for discussion.’ [2]
The members of this group were listed on a separate JCVI (Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunization) document titled ‘Proposed Membership of Expert Group on Surveillance of SSPE.’ [3] The professionals invited were:
  • Professor G. Dick (chairman)                                                                                                             
  • Dr. E.N. Brutt, The Hospital for Sick Children
  • Dr. J.A. Dudgeon, The Hospital for Sick Children
  • Dr. C.J. Earl, National Hospital
  • Dr. T.T.S. Ingram, Department of Child Life and Health, Edinburough
  • Dr. Christine Miller, PHLS, Collingdale
  • Professor T.E. Oppe, St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington
  • Dr. G. Pampiglione, The Hospital for Sick Children
  • Dr. J. Wilson, The Hospital for Sick Children
If this information is not worrisome enough, at around the same time, a memo titled ‘Copy Of Notice To Be Circulated To ABE – Measles Vaccine And Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis’ [4] was also sent out, stating that:
‘There has been some concern recently about the suggestion that measles vaccines might occasionally give rise to Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis. Professor Sir Charles Stuart-Harris, as chairman of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, has asked whether members of the Association would be prepared to notify cases we see.’
Note the words ‘might occasionally,’ which in my opinion, were specifically chosen to cover the fact that this was a growing problem.
This document, along with many others uncovered, means that the measles vaccination was proving problematic to the neurological well being of young children as far back as 1972. If this were the end of the matter, then it would be easy to assume that the problems had been overcome. However, the problem of vaccine-induced SSPE continued to persist even when the measles vaccination was combined with the mumps and the rubella vaccination to form the MMR triple vaccine.
What this meant was cases of vaccine-induced SSPE were not only occurring after children received the single vaccine but they were also occurring after they received the MMR vaccine.



A staggering 15 years later during the ARVI (Adverse Reaction to Vaccination and Immunization) meeting 6th July 1987 in item 5 – MMR vaccine – 5.4 Postpartum Rubella immunization associated with development of prolonged arthritis neurological sequelae and chronic rubella arthritis Tingle et al. J of Inf. Diseases 1985), Vol. 152: pages 606-612. {5}, the committee were discussing points raised in the previous ARVI meeting.  
Dr. Cavanagh reminded the committee of a SSPE-like syndrome reported from rubella virus infection, noting the reported maternal viraemia and transmission of rubella virus in breast milk, which was discussed in submitted correspondence.
Several other professionals brought up points on this matter. Dr. Christine Miller had completed a study of SSPE surveillance (remember, she was part of the expert SSPE surveillance group) and it was thought that none of her cases were associated with rubella. Dr. Wallace thought the report to which Dr. Cavanagh had referred concerned congenital rubella syndrome, not acquired rubella.
Could the SSPE-like condition being reported at the ARVI meeting have been a non-fatal form of autism? Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D. firmly believes that it was and she has made her thoughts on the subject very clear. Speaking on a radio show with David Kirby, she told listeners that she believes autism is a non-fatal type of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis caused by demyelination following vaccine-induced encephalitis.
Carley believes that the name of the condition was changed to autism to hide this self-evident fact. [6] She says that if you read the description in Harrison’s paper on SSPE [7], a document used to teach internal medicine to medical students all over the world, it is clear that what is described is in fact autism. In fact, if you read the Harrison’s 10th Edition published in 1983, four years before the ARVI meeting, it states that SSPE can be caused by the measles vaccine.
I would like to point out that Dr. Cavanagh did state ‘a SSPE– like syndrome reported from rubella virus infection,’ indicating that this was a condition similar to SSPE, exactly what Dr. Carley is saying today, without the benefit of seeing these papers that had been tucked away for all these years.

Incriminating Government Document Labeled NOT FOR PUBLICATION

The SSPE problems were still occurring in 1988. On Monday, November 14,1988, the Medical Research Council held a meeting titled ‘Committee On The Development Of Vaccines And Immunisation Procedures Sub Committee Of Measles Vaccines. [8]
During this meeting, as stated on Page 2 section 3.3, Professor David Salisbury reported on the outbreak of measles in England and Wales in 1988. He reported that there had been five deaths from the complications of measles and one death due to SSPE. There is no indication as to whether the child who died with SSPE or the five dying from the complications of measles were vaccinated, although as this was a meeting discussing the measles vaccine, it is highly likely.
It appears from these documents that the single measles vaccination could cause a child to suffer from the life-threatening condition SSPE, while the MMR vaccination could cause a child to suffer an SSPE-like condition similar to autism.
You would have thought the vaccines would have immediately removed from the market at this point, but it appears that the problem was still being reported during government meetings in 1997.
During research, I came across a government document titled ‘The JCVI Minutes Friday 7th November 1997 NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ [9] (obviously written to hide the truth from the public). Part of this document states:
****** at a conference in the US had suggested that the measles vaccine might cause SSPE. The Committee was informed by ******** that, in the studies, measles vaccine virus had been identified only once in SSPE and that was using techniques no longer used. In the last ten years, every case of SSPE in the US was alleged to have been caused by vaccine viruses since all involved vaccinated children. There had been 23 SSPE cases: all had been studied and none had been vaccine derived, all were wild type measles virus. The only cases where the vaccine virus had been found were individuals with severe immunodeficiency. The argument from ********* was that people who had wild virus infection and then were immunised with measles containing vaccine were at a heightened risk of SSPE. If that view were correct, vaccination should eliminate SSPE. There is limited surveillance on SSPE; what evidence there is suggests it is on the decrease. Data on SSPE from countries without a measles vaccination programme, who had introduced the measles vaccination programme relatively recently (eg. Denmark) might be helpful.
(sadly, names were redacted)
What this means is that in some cases the MMR vaccine is causing children to either get full-blown SSPE which, as we know, can lead to death or an SSPE-like condition which is likely to be autism or an autism-like disorder.
No wonder these documents are marked NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
The JCVI is the organization chosen by the UK government to sanction the vaccines to be used on the UK population, yet the minutes from their meetings are riddled with lies and cover-ups.
The papers that I obtained from the Kew Archives talk about various conditions brought on by the measles vaccination. One paper titled PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE AFTER THE MEASLES VACCINE – CASES REPORTED TO APUDC [10] from September 8, 1982, lists the following:
  • Convulsions
  • Encephalitis
  • Deafness
  • Paralysis ataxia
  • Leukaemia
  • Status Epilepticus
  • Died 48 hours later
  • Fits
  • Squint
To see this document and many more, go to the Kew Archives Website and order the files quoted in the references. To search, go into the document section marked ‘Health’ and then search for Measles Vaccine and SSPE.


These papers prove yet again that our children are at risk from the routine vaccinations our governments recommend. In my opinion, governments never write ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ on a document unless the document contains information that government wishes to remain secret. These documents have remained under lock and key for thirty years, leading me to wonder what will be hidden in documents being locked away under lock and key today. To hide information such as this from the public is a crime against humanity.

Foi 2005 MinutesNov97

We are publishing this information to educate Congress, the media, and public regarding issues affecting the health and well-being of our citizens. It is not our intention to infringe upon anyone’s copyright. We believe we have used the U.S. Copyright’s Doctrine of Fair Use equitably and without incurring infringement or plagiarism.

  1. Citation: Disabled World News (2010-03-11) – Symptoms of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis SSPE include changes in behavior and mild mental deterioration such as memory loss:
  2. Letter Referenced Surveillance on SSPE Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives
  3. ‘Proposed Membership of Expert Group on Surveillance of SSPE’ Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives
  4. Copy Of Notice To Be Circulated To ABE – Measles Vaccine And Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis’ Retrieved from file FD7/3111 Kew Gardens Archives
  5. ARVI (Adverse Reaction to Vaccination and Immunization) meeting 6th July 1987 Retrieved from Profitable Harm website
  7. Committee On The Development Of Vaccines And Immunisation Procedures Sub Committee Of Measles Vaccines’ Retrieved from Kew Archives File FD23/5120


Friday, July 20, 2012

9 Questions To Ask

9 Questions That Stump Every Pro-Vaccine Advocate and Their Claims

Since the flu pandemic was declared, there have been several so-called "vaccine experts" coming out of the wood work attempting to justify the effectiveness of vaccines. All of them parrot the same ridiculous historical and pseudoscientific perspectives of vaccinations which are easily squelched with the following 9 questions.

Claim: The study of vaccines, their historical record of achievements, effectiveness, safety and mechanism in humans are well understood and proven in scientific and medical circles.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

1. What to ask: Could you please provide one double-blind, placebo-controlled study that can prove the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

2. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence on ANY study which can confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

3. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence which can prove that disease reduction in any part of the world, at any point in history was attributable to inoculation of populations?

4. What to ask: Could you please explain how the safety and mechanism of vaccines in the human body are scientifically proven if their pharmacokinetics (the study of bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients) are never examined
or analyzed in any vaccine study?

One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of any vaccine are its pharmacokinetic properties. Drug companies and health agencies refuse to consider the study, analysis or evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of any vaccine.

There is not one double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the history of vaccine development that has ever proven their safety, effectiveness or achievements (unless those achievements have underlined their damage to human health).

There are also no controlled studies completed in any country which have objectively proven that vaccines have had any direct or consequential effect on the reduction of any type of disease in any
part of the world.

Every single study that has ever attempted to validate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines has conclusively established carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic or fertility impairments, but they won't address those.


Claim: Preservatives and chemical additives used in the manufacture of vaccines are safe and no studies have been linked or proven them unsafe for use in humans.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

5. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how injecting a human being with a confirmed neurotoxin is beneficial to human health and prevents disease?

6. What to ask: Can you provide a risk/benefit profile on how the benefits of injecting a known neurotoxin exceeds its risks to human health for the intended goal of preventing disease?

This issue is no longer even open to debate. It is a scientifically established fact in literally hundreds of studies that the preservatives and chemical additives in vaccines damage cells. Neurotoxicity, immune suppression, immune-mediated chronic inflammation and carcinogenic proliferation are just a few of several effects that have been observed on the human body. See a list of chemicals in vaccines

Fortunately, the drug companies still tell us the damage vaccines have on the human body. People just don't read them. All you have to do is look at the insert for any vaccine, and it will detail the exact ingredients, alerts and potentially lethal effects.

See my latest analysis of the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine for an example.

Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject any type of neurotoxin into any person to prevent any disease is completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health.


Claim: Once an individual is injected with the foreign antigen in the vaccine, that individual becomes immune to future infections.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

7. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how bypassing the respiratory tract (or mucous membrane) is advantageous and how directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream enhances immune functioning and prevents future infections?

8. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how a vaccine would prevent viruses from mutating?

9. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how a vaccination can target a virus in an infected individual who does not have the exact viral configuration or strain the vaccine was developed for?

All promoters of vaccination fail to realize that the respiratory tract of humans (actually all mammals) contains antibodies which initiates natural immune responses within the respiratory tract mucosa. Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream leads to a corruption in the immune system itself. As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they will further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment which continue to assault the immune system.

Despite the injection of any type of vaccine, viruses continue circulating through the body, mutating and transforming into other organisms. The ability of a vaccine manufacturer to target the exact viral strain without knowing its mutagenic properties is equivalent to shooting a gun at a fixed target that has already been moved from its location. You would be shooting at what was, not what is!

Flu viruses, may mutate, change or adapt several times over a period of one flu season, making the seasonal influenza vaccine 100% redundant and ineffective every single flu season. Ironically, the natural immune defenses of the human body can target these changes but the vaccines cannot.

I have never encountered one pro-vaccine advocate, whether medically or scientifically qualified, who could answer even 1 let alone all 9 of these questions. One or all of the following will happen when debating any of the above questions:

- They will concede defeat and admit they are stumped

- They will attempt to discredit unrelated issues that do not pertain to the question.

- They will formulate their response and rebuttal based on historical arguments and scientific studies which have been disproved over and over again.

Not one pro-vaccine advocate will ever directly address these questions in an open mainstream venue.

Flu Vaccine Exposed: Think Twice!

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

* A full list of h1n1 vaccine ingredients, alerts and warnings.

Reference Sources:
October 28, 2009

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath  
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA
Vaccines - Homeopathy
Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start July 12